UTS Unleashed! Social Robotics RoboCup Team
Social robotics is a disruptive innovation that is expected to impact all industries in Australia.
RoboCup is an exciting international competition designed to advance the field of robotics through open-ended complex design challenges.
UTS established the first Australian University RoboCup Team competition with Pepper Robots: UTS Unleashed!
Social robotics is transdisciplinary and challenging.
The team was outstanding at RoboCup 2017 winning the Human Robot Interface Award and claiming second place in the Social League. In 2018 the team came second.
We are recruiting students from all disciplines across UTS for our 2019 team.
We are looking for students excited by the disruption and impact of Social Robots, and who would like to help design and/or develop new social skills for Pepper robots.
RoboCup 2018 will take place in Montreal Canada; RoboCup 2019 will be in Darling Harbour Sydney!
If you would like to join the team and can dedicate a minimum of 15 hours per week from February - July in 2019, please contact us. We expect to offer several 2019 Summer Scholarships too.
You may be able to use your efforts on the RoboCup Team to fulfil the requirement for Project/Capstone Subjects or Internships.
You can also sign up to our Friends of UTS Unleashed! mailing list to follow the team's progress and to be the first to find out about our upcoming Social robotics Pop-Up classes, Pepper appearances and events.